Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Joining Flame Introductions – a guide to getting started

If you’ve been watching Flame Introductions on the current series of Channel 4’s The Undateables, you might be thinking about introducing someone in your life to our agency, giving them the opportunity to find love.

We often get calls from parents or care workers of people with mild disabilities, who have understandable reservations about exposing a vulnerable loved one to the world of sugar dating site.

Here at Flame we are always mindful of the emotional impact of the process and take care at every step to ensure the experience is supportive, easy and fun for those involved.

To give you more assurance that we take your concerns seriously, we’ve put together some of the questions we’re most frequently asked by someone considering Flame Introductions as their London dating agency of choice.

What’s the first step?

We prefer you to get to know us – and us you – in person. The first step then is usually for you to meet our founder Christine or one of our other staff either at our offices in Richmond or a nice quiet café close by. You’ll be able to ask us about the whole process and how it works, and we’ll be able to get a feel for who you are and what you’re looking for.

It sounds a bit like a job interview. Do I have to prepare?

Absolutely not. If we’re meeting someone with a mild disability we recommend that a parent or guardian comes along too, and we keep the chat informal and friendly – usually over a cup of tea and a biscuit or two!

What happens when you find a match for me?

Normally we’ll arrange a mutually convenient date and location for the two of you to meet. We know that a lot of our clients get nervous about talking on the phone. There’s absolutely no obligation at all to talk to your match on the phone before you meet. In fact, we recommend you don’t – chatting in person is so much better.

Are chaperones allowed on dates?

Yes. Many of our members take parents or guardians along to their early dates. Usually the chaperone drops them off at the agreed meeting point, and then goes shopping or for a coffee until the date is over.

Are dates matched according to disabilities?

Sometimes; sometimes not. The key thing is personality, and here at Flame we meet and get to know every single member, which means our matchmaking process is much more personal than you’d get from an online algorithm. We’ll tell you about your potential match and their key information, so you’ll have a sense of their personality, likes and dislikes – as well as their profile picture - before you meet them. We are also here to answer questions if there’s anything else you want to know beforehand.

I don’t have any photographs and I want my profile to present me in a favourable way, can you help?

Absolutely. We’ll write your profile for you once we’ve met and gotten to know you, and you’ll have the chance to approve it before we show it to any potential matches. We can also take a photograph at the end of our introductory session.

I’m a bit nervous about the first date. Any tips?

Even the most confident people can get tongue tied or nervous before a first date. We’re here to help you and suggest some questions you can ask to get to know your date. Our advice is always to try to relax as much as possible and be yourself. Our dating blog is also full of advice, ranging from tips for introverts, some lovely informal locations for London dates, and even the best music to listen to before your date to get you in a confident and positive frame of mind! 

Author: Christine
Christine has been happily married for (let‘s say - without giving her age away) many years! Before starting her business she worked as a Senior Consultant at an established Personal Introduction Agency. She confesses to being a romantic and believes everyone deserves the chance she‘s been given of finding their ideal partner to spend their life with.

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